
News from Italy Affecting Ariston and Zegna Shipments

As I am sure you heard, on Saturday March 21st the Italian government ordered that all non-essential business activity cease for 15 days. 

Unfortunately, that means both Ariston and Zegna will be shutting down temporarily and have suspended shipping until April 6th.

We continue to stay in close contact with both operations and will let you know when the situation changes. 

We are still shipping all of our other collections: Atelier F&BEscorial,HarrisonsPorter & HardingLBD LiningsW.BillSmith Woollens, and H. Lesser

Our Kemp and Hewitt offices are open in a limited capacity. You can continue to email all orders to orders@kempandhewitt.com.  Should you have any questions or concerns, you can always call 203-838-3000 or try my mobile 917-440-9677.

In the meantime, please be well and be safe.

All the best,
James & Team